Women in Mining

March 08, 2022

By: Mining Operations Excellence Team, LXML

Being an engineer is not for everyone. Engineering demands dedication for analysis that leads to problem-solving, so is already a challenging field of work. However, women in engineering and particularly in the mining industry face additional challenges: stereotypes that hold us back.

Diversity is important for every society, and it is inspiring to be part of a team, the Operations Excellence team in Mining, that makes no distinction between men and women on our jobs. Here, we have the opportunity to prove our potential and talent in roles typically held by men. Our roles in Mining Operations Excellence let us apply our technical knowledge shift after shift while we continue growing as individuals and as a team.

Mining is tough, but it is also enjoyable and rewarding. It has a large variety of work and challenges are a constant. We are part of a team that makes things happen and we have the chance to move beyond production: to make significant impact through our diligent, dedicated, and passionate way of work. This makes us feel motivated and empowered to persevere every day.

We encourage all Lao women to be strong and follow their dreams regardless of stereotypes and challenges: we, women, can face every difficulty and problem that comes our way.

On this International Women’s Day, we urge our colleagues to leave stereotypes behind and support each other regardless of genders. We need to change our mindsets; whatever men can do, women can do, particularly in engineering and mining because we are not women engineers, we are engineers.